All dressed up & off we go to collect candy from strangers and enjoy the beautiful fall day. It was actually quite the trip- Lillian quickly got the hang of finding the candy giver and going up to take her treat. She has no fear of being stomped on or knocked over by the other bigger kids or just bigger costumes- she wiggles her way in & out with a smile. We went two places to show off our little lady bug: Phinney Ridge, which was fun to see all the local businesses participating- love our community. AND U-Village, which was packed with cute little costumes and tons of dressed up workers out to spread the sugar rush- from Banana Republic to Tiffany & Co. to Blue C Sushi- even the salon was out giving balloons. SO FUN!
I am actually not a fan of Halloween, but I do love dressing up & now with a little one it was my best, most wholesome, not scary one yet.... to many more filled with just fun & non of the other nonsense.
Nice! She's growing so much. Nice to hear how things our going with you guys. peace, Derek